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6 fast-loading HTML pages
9 custom images
Half an hour/month of free site maintenance
Increased detail and functionality
Best suited for small businesses

A larger Web site designed to provide detailed and up-to-date information to the public. This type of site is updated frequently and is aggressively utilized and promoted as a communication tool. In addition to the pages in the Brochure category site, this site might include: an information request form; DHTML and JavaScript interactivity; complete product/service information with graphics or images.


Webdesign Corner
is a well-financed corporation which creates professional web sites of high quality for small and medium-sized businesses around the world.

Our customers rely on us for award-winning creativity and solutions. International experience and profes-sional approach that is what differs us from others.

Please contact us for a detailed quote.

If you are already a client and would like to get some changes to your site, please use our "Change Form."

Toll Free 1-888-442-3030
Local  1-416-883-3002


Our representatives are at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Webdesign Corner © 2004. All rights reserved.